Registration of Foreclosed Rental Property

Registration of Foreclosed Rental Property

Pursuant to Section 5-14-060 of the Municipal Code of Chicago. READ FIRST - In order to submit this registration, you will need:

  • A list of the number of units located in the foreclosed rental property;
  • The occupancy status of each unit at the time of becoming owner/owner's agent;
  • The name(s) of each known tenant at the time of becoming owner/owner's agent
Please download the spreadsheet to submit this information here, complete it, and upload at the end of this registration.

Address of Foreclosed Rental Property

Owner of Foreclosed Rental Property

Date that the Above Became the Owner of the Foreclosed Rental Property

Owner's Agent for the Purpose of Managing, Controlling or Collecting Rent at the Foreclosed Rental Property

Owner's Agent Responsible for Receiving Notices of Code Violations and Enforcement Proceedings

Affidavit of Owner or Owner's Agent of Foreclosed Rental Property

  • I am the owner of the foreclosed rental property located in Chicago, Illinois and commonly known as listed under Owner of Foreclosed Rental Property.
  • I became the owner / owner’s agent of the above foreclosed rental property on the date listed under Date that the Above Became the Owner of the Foreclosed Rental Property.
  • The attached Exhibit A to this Affidavit, which is incorporated and made a part hereof, is a list, by rental unit, of all the qualified tenants of the above foreclosed property at the time I became the owner.

Exhibit A

Please submit the completed form linked here. Registrations will not be considered complete unless this form has been filled out for every unit in the foreclosed property and uploaded.

Choose File